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Tropical Leaves

Custom Hypno Therapy 

Using Professional methods of trance to retrain the subconcious mind. through personalized prompts, visualization, and symbolic affirmations recover from any thing from lack of motivation, bad skin, anxiety, or just improve you financial, or social abilities


Hypnosis Journeys
Hypnosis Journeys

Journeys is a useful in the work of self improvement by letting us cement ideas into our subconscious mind. With the help of our prerecorded sessions that you can listen to over and over again. These sessions are activities designed to help actualize and support the mind to improve in what ever area of focus is being trained. Journeys are widely used to improve motivation, social competency, ability in sports, even financial success. It has been known to work on heal issues and many many other ways. It is a clinical therapy that can cost  hundreds of dollars with professionals in a doctors office. We allow you to relax in the comfort of your home on your time schedule with the same professional quality. You will find your self envisioning beautiful sights and get to explore your deeper mind in ways that will truly entertain and transform the way you think and feel towards your goals.  

Workout Classes
Workout Classes

Yoga has been used for thousands of years as a physically and spiritually enhancing practice. Through daily practice and actions you can purify you body, mind and energy to heal, attract and align with positive higher vibrations filling your life with pleasant and beneficial moods. While you are physically active, we will also help fill in some information as a form of bhakti to enhance your practice and understanding of your self. We will give you questions to ponder through your day, and encourage you to take a few moments to find your own flow and explore what it means to be your own guru. Access flows that are easy or harder, based on your own understanding of your body. Find Comfort in your own home as we take you deep into your body and access our divinity in the moment and focus on bringing relaxed higher self into our lives. strengthen our bodies, and release our minds of philosophic questions. 

Tropical Leaves

Custom 1 on 1 Classes 

No matter if you are out of shape, or conditioning for figure skating, working on handstands or facinated by the yogic concepts of burning karma through movement

A custom workout plan for your body & skills 

Tropical Leaves

Astrology Reading  

An hour long Astrology reading with an intuitive professional that explores your souls gifts, challenges, and goals in this life as well as a quick look into your past lives to help you achieve the desires of you past life and the lessons in this one. Plus navigate negative forces in your life to manifest your energy in the best possible way 

Astonomical Clock

Journeys is a useful in the work of self improvement by letting us cement ideas into our subconscious mind. With the help of our prerecorded sessions that you can listen to over and over again. These sessions are activities designed to help actualize and support the mind to improve in what ever area of focus is being trained. Journeys are widely used to improve motivation, social competency, ability in sports, even financial success. It has been known to work on heal issues and many many other ways. It is a clinical therapy that can cost  hundreds of dollars with professionals in a doctors office. We allow you to relax in the comfort of your home on your time schedule with the same professional quality. You will find your self envisioning beautiful sights and get to explore your deeper mind in ways that will truly entertain and transform the way you think and feel towards your goals.  

Our Free Youtube Philosophy Classes

The Life List 

Self Help Booklet 

Explore the 12 categories of 

life with Worksheets for therapy & Personal Development 




Social skills

Emotion control








About Tara Nova 


Tara Nova started as a dream to build a sustainable wonderland when Talis Hardy was 16. After discovering  her love for plants, she wanted a reason to work with them forever. She came up with a dream for a herbal store, that she hopes will someday become a beautiful tea garden and eventually an eco-resort. 

Talis wanted to honor the green goddess Tara in her company and has done that through the name, it is also a play on the phrase "Terra Nova" meaning "New Earth" in latin. 

Taranova is looking to hire woman for a heap 

of things! 

Or if you like to view our full business plan & see our farmland development investment opportunities. 

Lets talk!

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