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We will find the best amount and company as available at the time. Our supplier changes as the companies that sell change. We are committed to selling the most socially and environmentally responsible, as well as purest and most affordable products available at the time.


Agaricus mushroom is used for cancer, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, “hardening of the arteries” (arteriosclerosis), ongoing liver disease, bloodstream disorders, and digestive problems. Other uses include prevention of heart disease, weakened bones (osteoporosis), and stomach ulcers.



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    About Tara Nova 


    Tara Nova started as a dream to build a sustainable wonderland when Talis Hardy was 16. After discovering  her love for plants, she wanted a reason to work with them forever. She came up with a dream for a herbal store, that she hopes will someday become a beautiful tea garden and eventually an eco-resort. 

    Talis wanted to honor the green goddess Tara in her company and has done that through the name, it is also a play on the phrase "Terra Nova" meaning "New Earth" in latin. 

    Taranova is looking to hire woman for a heap 

    of things! 

    Or if you like to view our full business plan & see our farmland development investment opportunities. 

    Lets talk!

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